
Wir lernen grade Biologie und unser Buch ist der absolute Hammer! Hört zu :D
„Our father is male, and our mother is female. We can also say that our father has a male sex and our mother has a female sex. Now, our father is a man and aour motehr is a woman. That means that a man is male and a woman is female. Thus, a man is said to have a male sex and a women is said to have a female sex. Similarly, a boy has a male sex and a girl has a female sex. Just like human beings, other animals also have male and female sexes. Even plants have male and female sexes.“


Eine Antwort auf „Aufschlussreich!“

  1. Aufschlussreich, Dinge die man noch nicht wusste ;) Aber ich halte es für gefährlich, in dem Alter sowenig Wissen über male/female zu haben…

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